Wednesday, June 22, 2005


wind buffets the cabinets,
blowing me back, east.
lightning scatters linear,
one bolt linking the chain,
the sky rumbling bumbling
bowling balls of ecstasy.
see the full moon rising,
the summer solstice in
and out and over and under,
and onward and upward.
the clouds hide the moon
as i sparkle with glee,
offering thunderous applause,
catcalls, crying for an encore.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


There's a time of the day
When the sun sinks low
And heralds the onslaught of my night.

There's a space in the clouds
Where the moonlight gets through
And glows like perpetual twilight.

There's a light in your eye
And a space in my heart
And a sense that I've
Not felt for years.

There's a knowing soft-spoken,
Hushed whispers of promise,
An avowal that we will be alright.


and when the wind blows
grasses shiver and trees bow
rain falls aslant
buffeting tin
peaks and toughs of strength
like valleys and snow-covered pinnacles
the horizon in sheets
of vertical grey and sun strokes

i am strong and powerful
attached and attuned
to the here and the now
to this moment in which
forever is captured
in the sighs of spirits
come and gone
but always present
in the wind.